There are more people living from paycheck to paycheck than you probably realize. The average person makes less than $25,000 a year. If they have medical insurance, then this cost can easily eat through almost half of their take home pay. Many people cannot afford to take out healthcare insurance and are definitely not prepared for any unexpected circumstance that requires a large amount of cash. Payday loans have become the short term fix for many lower income individuals, but is this really the solution to the problem or is it just creating more problems for the person who turns to a cash advance company?
Payday loans work by taking out a small loan for a short time. You receive the cash until payday and are obligated to return the money plus interest on your next payday. But you need to pay attention to the amount of interest you will be paying. It is around twenty dollars for every hundred dollars borrowed. That is a huge interest rate to pay back. However, to get the loan all you need is a current bank account statement, recent check stub and photo identification.
Most people cannot payback the loan in one lump sum. The loan services allow them to bring in the cash plus the interest and then withdraw the same initial amount of the loan back out again. Two weeks or a month later, you are back to paying the interest and taking the loan out again. Places such as Cash Advance America know that the people who use their service have limited funds, yet they charge ridiculous interest rates. The more you go in and use their loan services, the more money you are putting into their pockets.
Not having the money when you truly need it can be a devastating thing. There are times when you do not have a choice and taking out payday loans is the only option available. But just keep in mind that you have to repay the loan on your next payday. Only take out the amount you need and try to save as much money as possible to help repay the loan. You do not want to dig yourself into a deep financial hole and then realize you don't have a ladder.
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